Hot Wheels Battle Force 5 Wiki
2Powerofresistance "Really gotta tweak our Spam Filter"

This article is about something not canon to the storyline of the TV show.

Tanger ATV Threat1

It is one of the online games for the First Season of Battle Force 5. It is part of the Battlekey Wars. The Tangler ATV is the Vehicle the player plays as and the villains of this game are the Vandals.


Players use the Tangler to attack the Vandals by spinning in an all-out race for the Battle Key.

Players use arrow keys to Move the Tangler and the Space bar to Spin.

Some Vandals and Mini-Zurk shoot at the player while some search for the Battle Key and will try to get it through the Stormshock.

If a Vandal gets the Battle Key through the stormshock the player loses and if the player gets it through the player wins.

If the Vandals hit the Tangler enough it can run out of power and the player will lose.


It is unknown what Battle Zone it is set in.
